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How to buy home solar water heater?

At present, the market sales of household solar water heaters in a wide range, according to the type of solar collectors to distinguish, can be divided into vacuum tube and flat; in accordance with the structure of distinction, can be divided into one and split; in accordance with the production process distinction For the pressure and non-pressure type.

At present, the market sales of home solar water heaters are most common mostly non-vacuum vacuum tube household solar water heaters. We buy home solar water heaters, should pay attention to the following:

1. Thermal performance indicators, the "average daily efficiency" the higher the better, "the average heat loss coefficient" the lower the better.

2. Household solar water heater is a key component of all-glass vacuum solar collector (referred to as vacuum tube), vacuum tube quality directly affects the performance of the entire household solar water heater. Purchase should be carefully observed in the vacuum tube on the glass tube coating, this layer of coating called solar selective absorption coating, due to the manufacturers of different production processes, coating color will be different, but are generally black, dark blue Or dark gray, good quality uniform coating color, the film without scratches, no skin or shedding phenomenon, the glass is no stones or nodules, support the glass tube support pieces placed correct, not loose.

3. Purchase should also pay attention to the tube between the vacuum tube spacing, the general center of the two tubes in the 70mm or so is appropriate

4. Household solar water heater bracket design should be reasonable, should have sufficient strength and stiffness to ensure adequate load capacity. In some of the larger areas of daily wind power, especially in the coastal areas, in the purchase of household solar water heaters should also pay attention to whether the product in the design of the wind resistance.

5. Currently on the market, home solar water heater reflector in a variety of forms, a flat reflector, curved reflector, embossed aluminum, etc., in the purchase should pay attention to whether the product reflector design can take full advantage of the vacuum tube Heat absorption surface, vacuum tube can be the greatest degree of light.

6. In the purchase should also take into account the number of resident population at home to determine the purchase of household solar water heater capacity of the size. Generally 40 liters of water per person is appropriate In addition, the nominal capacity of many products is calculated by calculating the capacity of each vacuum tube and tank tank capacity added calculated, but in fact the water heater outlet and vacuum tube water can not be released to use, the user can really The use of water is only between the inlet and the overflow of the water, so the purchase should be clear when the seller, their nominal water capacity refers to the total capacity of water or the actual capacity of water capacity, How much difference between the two.

7. If you buy enough home solar water heaters need to configure the electric heating device, should choose the product with electrical safety design.

8. Optional other related accessories, such as automatic water plant, water temperature water level display, solenoid valve, etc., for the choice of these devices should be careful, some features seem advanced, but too many components, reliability is not high, time Long easy to go wrong, the choice must be clear when the service life and warranty period.

9. After purchasing a home solar water heater, the installation process should pay attention to whether the installation of the bracket is solid, all the screws and joints are tightened, the installation of the upper and lower water pipe is reasonable, whether the water heater itself reinforcement measures and so on. In addition, in the sewage pipe must be installed to stop the device to prevent hot water reflow, pour into the cold water pipe.

10. Household solar water heater after-sales service is also very important. The best choice for well-known brand products and good after-sales service dealers. Because home solar water heaters are durable consumer goods, and usually installed on the roof, once a failure, the user is difficult to solve their own, so after-sales service must be guaranteed. At present, the whole machine on the market free warranty period is generally 3 to 5 years.

11. As the home solar water heater is installed outdoors, prolonged use, the vacuum tube will be dust or impurities pollution, resulting in reduced heat absorption efficiency. So the vacuum tube of the water heater should be regularly cleaned, especially in the winter snowy areas, the snow need to clean up in time. Such as affected by the housing design, they can not clean up, should ask the dealer, after-sales service is included in a regular cleaning.